Hello! ! !

Calender.. :)

Friday, 16 December 2011


Phrases to be repeated rapidly

  • A cricket critic
  • A black bug's blood
  • Irish wristwatch
  • Legend tripping
  • Liril
  • Red lorry, yellow lorry
  • Variants
    • Red leather, yellow leather
    • Red welly, yellow welly
  • Road-roller
  • Upper roller, lower roller
  • Rubber baby buggy bumpers
  • Toy boat
  • Unique New York
  • Stupid Superstition

have fun... (tongue twister)..

1. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
If a woodchuck would chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could chuck
If a woodchuck would chuck wood.

2.A tutor who tooted the flute
Tried to tutor two tooters to toot
Said the two to the tutor
"Is it tougher to toot
Or to tutor two tooters to toot?"

3.Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?

4.I slit the sheet,
The sheet I slit
and on the slitted sheet I sit.

5.Sister Suzie's sewing socks for soldiers
Sock for soilders sister Suzie sews,
If sister Suzie's sewing socks for soldiers,
Where're the socks for soldiers sister Suzie sews?

6.A canner can can anything that he can,
But a canner can't can a can, can he?

so, have fun u guy's...

story times..

Which Came First —the Rock or the Hard Place?

One night at sea, the ship's captain saw what looked like the lights of another ship heading toward him. He had his signaler blink to the other ship: "Change your course 10 degrees south."
The reply came back: "Change your course 10 degrees north."
The ship's captain answered: "I am a captain. Change your course south."
To which the reply was, "Well, I am a seaman first class. Change your course north."
This infuriated the captain, so he signaled back: "Dammit, I say change your course south. I'm on a battleship!"
To which the reply came back: "And I say change your course north. I'm in a lighthouse."
The Point of This Story: Don't shoot your mouth off before you know all the facts.

The Story of the Sad Snake

A certain wise woman was walking into the outskirts of a village one evening. As she entered the village, she saw a snake biting the villagers. The snake bit everyone who came within range, and, frequently, for no apparent reason, chased the villagers. The wise woman told the snake she felt the snake should stop biting the villagers and making their lives difficult. The snake agreed. A few months later, the wise woman passed through the village again and saw the once beautiful sleek snake covered with mud and lying in a ditch on the side of the road. The snake told the wise woman he was doing what she had suggested. He had stopped biting the villagers. The wise woman looked at the snake and said, "Yes, but I didn't tell you not to hiss."
The Point of This Story: Walk softly but carry a big stick.

Miracle on the Mountain

One day a hiker all by himself out in the middle of the wilderness fell off a cliff. Luckily, half way down he grabbed hold of a vine and stopped his fall. Unluckily, he was still hanging 75 feet from the ground, and the vine was beginning to break. Desperate, the man looked up to the heavens and called out, "Is there anyone up there who can help me?"Incredibly, the clouds parted, a bright light shone down, and a deep voice said, "I am the Lord. I will help you, but first you must trust me and let go of the vine."
The man stared at the clouds, then looked down at the earth 75 feet below. He looked back up and shouted, "Is there anyone else up there who can help me?'
The Point of This Story: Always get a second opinion.

synonyms and antonyms

are words that have almost the same meaning.

rich - wealthy
plate - dish
come - arrive
cry - sob
poor - needy
flower - blossom
taxi - cab
drive - steer
enemy - foe
quiet - silent
laught - giggle
cool - chilly
cold - icy
sad - unhappy
fire - flame
chair - seat
friend - pal
loud - noisy
lead - guide
late - tardy
song - tune
cut - clip
enjoy - like
sleep - snooze
begin - start
error - mistake
teach - tutor
throw - toss
save - keep
kind - nice
all - every

are words that have opposite meaning

before - after 
end - begin 
worst - best 
open - close 
hard - easy 
full - empty 
enter - exit 
dark - fair 
true - false 
last - first 
smile - frown 
cold - heat 
low - high 
cruel - kind 
more - less 
few - many 
least - most 
dark - pale 
dangerous - safe 
spend - save 
float - sink 
big - small 
fresh - stale 
thin - thick 
fat - thin 
attractive - ugly 
narrow - wide

Let`s Learn Some Common Social Expression

To Greet                                                 Responses
Good Morning, Mr Lee.                         Good morning, Ruby.
Hello, Mr Lee.                                         Hello, Ruby.
Hi, Razif.                                                 Hi, Cheng.
Good afternoon, boys                             Good afternoon, Teacher

To Say Farewell                                     Responses

Goodbye, Jill.                                         Goodbye, Chandra.
Have a good flight, Auntie.                    Thank You, Susie.
Bye, Chong. Have a safe trip.                Thanks, Jefri.

To Introduce                                           Responses

       Hello, I`m John.                                      Hi, I`m Ricky. Nice to meet you.
Hi, Jill. Meet my sister, Lily.                  Hi, Lily. I`m Jill

To Congratulate                                     Responses

Congratulations! Keep it up.                  Thank You.
Well done, Julie!                                     Thanks, Dad.

To Apologize                                           Responses                                                   

I am very sorry about this.                      That`s all right.                                
I apologize for my mistake.                     Don`t do it again.

To Give An Order                                  Responses

Pass up your books now.                         Yes, Puan Siti.
Keep Quiet in the library.                        All right.
Do not walk on the grass.                        Ok.

let's spell together..

Let`s Practise Spelling

Spelling a word correctly is very important. It gives a good impression and it avoids misunderstandings.

Good spellers are skillful at breaking words up into syllables.
Syllables are the individual sound that make up a word.

Examples: play-ful, hos-pi-tal, u-ni-ver-si-ty

Breaking a word into syllables makes it easier. We only deal with one small bit at a time.
For each word give a clap for each syllable. For example, give one clap for each syllable. This means there are two claps for this word: "clap-ping".

Examples: kitchen           kit-chen
                 weekends        week-ends
                 sweetly            sweet-ly
                 window           win-dow
                 shampoo         sham-poo



Can you see this picture learners?
What are the symbols in this square?

All of the symbols in the square are punctuations.
Now, I am going to share with all of you about punctuation marks

Punctuation is the name for marks used in writing. These marks help with understanding. There are many kinds of punctuation. Some of them can do many things. These are some common punctuation marks used in English:
  • ( . ) - a period or full stop, used to end a sentence. It shows when an idea is finished.
  • ( , ) - a comma, used to list things and and indicate sentences or questions
  • ( ? ) - a question mark or query, used when writing the questions.
  • ! ) - an exclamation mark, used write about strong emotion or to be shouted.
  • ( ' ) - an apostrophe, used to show that something belongs to something else.
  • ( " ) - a quotation mark, used around the worlds that people have said.
Example of full stop : I have a book.
Example of comma : I love to eat chicken rice, salad and fried rice.
Example of question mark : Where are you going?
Example of exclamation mark : Oh my God!
Example of apostrophe : This book is Mary's.
Example of quotation mark : Ali said, " I love English very much! ".

That's all from me. Do learn okay :)


Prepositions? What are these?

Prepositions are words that specify place, direction, and time. There are three types of prepositions. They are :

  • Time Preposition - it define time. Examples ; at, during
  • Place Preposition - it clarify the place of someone. Examples ; in, on
  • Direction Preposition - it clarify the direction of someone. Examples ; under, left, right
Lets see these children!

we usually start our lesson at school at 8 o'clock

The bear is on the chair

      Mickey is standing left to Minnie

There are some examples of the prepositions. Do learn and got benefit from these.

Word Order : WH questions words

Hello my fellow readers and learners. This is our first post and as the first lesson, I would like to teach all of you about WH questions.

Do you know what is WH questions?
and what is the functions of them? hmm?

okay let me explain. WH questions is the question that make use of interrogative words (also known as wh-words). We use question words to ask certain types of questions (question word questions). We often refer to them as WH words because they include the letters WH (for example WHy, HoW). We use WH question everyday in our conversation. 
Want more? Check this out! :)

Question Words


asking for information
or about something 
What is your name?

asking for repetition or confirmation
What? I can't hear you
asking for a reason, asking why
What did you do that for?
asking about time
When did he leave?
asking in or at what place or position

Where do they live?
asking about choice
Which color do you want?
asking what or which person or people (subject)
Who opened the door?
asking what or which person or people (object) 
Whom did you see?
asking about ownership
Whose are these keys?
Whose turn is it?
asking for reason, asking what...for
Why do you say that?
 Why don't
making a suggestion
Why don't I help you?
asking about manner
How does this work?

asking about condition or qualityHow was your exam?

This table can help you more to understand what is WH-Questions.
I hope you can get benefits from this post.
Thanks for reading :)